Knightly Update – February 2014

In today’s busy world our time is very precious and we are often pulled in many directions. We have obligations to our employers, to our families, to our friends, to our parish, etc. We often look at additional commitments as not desirable. However, in doing this we can find that our lives are not completely fulfilled.

However, there is an overwhelming satisfaction that we feel when we help others. It can be donating our time, our financial resources, or just a simple act of kindness. You can see it best in our children. The charity that is found in our children is overwhelming. Often you see them helping others through the donation of their time. They might go out and shovel the snow in your neighbour’s driveway, or help cheer up their friends, or even help the needy with a donation of their time.

With this in mind, I would encourage you to consider joining the Knights of Columbus. There are 8,760 hours in a year. With as little as 24 of these hours you can become a better Catholic, a better father, a better husband, and a better person. However, the only thing we need is men from our parish to take the next step. You may be shocked to realize that only 10% of the men in this parish are Knights. You may also be surprised that these same men are involved in the other groups and activities in our parish. That leaves 90% of you that are available.

Some of you may feel that you have never been invited to be a Knight. Well, if you are reading this, YOU ARE INVITED! Some of you may feel that you do not have the time to be a Knight. If this is the case consider the following:

• 12 hours a year reading the weekly parish bulletin, the state and local council newsletters, Columbia magazine, or surfing the state council and Supreme Council Web sites.
• 2 hours a year volunteering at the council’s annual drive for people with intellectual disabilities.
• 2 hours a year attending, with your family, two council corporate Communions (Mass) or prayer services at the parish.
• 2 hours a year on a council-sponsored Church, community, council family or youth project of your choosing.
• 2 hours a year attending one council meeting.
• 4 hours a year enjoying with your family a council social function such as a dinner, dance, picnic, etc.

I think you will see that in many of the cases you are already doing this, so the demands on your time are truly limited. Please prayerfully consider sharing a little of yourself to help us become a better council and for you to become more active in your parish.

Dean Hayward, Grand Knight


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