Knightly Update – April 2014

As you are reading this article you and your family have just celebrated the fifth Sunday of Lent, and your are one week closer to the celebration of Easter. At this moment you may be reflecting about what the season has meant to you and your family. Maybe you feel that you have become a better person, a better spouse, or even a better family. This period of reflection and sacrifice helps to put our secular world in perspective and makes us realize how important our faith is to us.
However, it is also a time for us to become better Catholics. This is a time of renewal and to improve in every way we can. So if you have not had the chance, think about what you want to do differently and take that forward throughout the rest of the year.
As a Council we have been working diligently to provide even more opportunities for our Brother Knights and their families. We have recently established scholarships for members of our council to help defray the cost of tuition for Powers Catholic High School, Holy Family School, or other Catholic education opportunities. There is no better opportunity to help foster young, responsible Catholic girls and boys than to give them the opportunity to attend Catholic schools.
This is just one more additional step we are trying to help improve our Parish and our community. For instance, here are just a list of the Top 10 things we support through our charitable activities:

  • Holy Family Outreach
  • Seminarian Support
  • Holy Cross Children’s Services
  • Right To Life
  • Mission Programs & Special Need Requests
  • Catholic Radio
  • Holy Family School Athletics
  • Holy Family School Projects
  • Religious Education Activities
  • Holy Family Scouting

In closing, I want to remind all of my Knights that our Order encourages us to become better fathers, better husbands, better Catholics, and better people. The tenets of our Order are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. So let’s go forward through the rest of this year remembering what we should do to be better Knights!

Dean Hayward
Grand Knight

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