Knightly Update – July 2014

In last month’s newsletter, our immediate Past Grand Knight, Dean Hayward began his last message with a “Thank You!” to his family, his Brother Knights and you, the parishioners.

In the same fashion, I would like to start my first newsletter with a hearty “Thank You!” to Dean. Dean has led our council for the last three years, staying on for an additional term to help the council set up an endowment fund. With appreciation for his leadership and commitment, we offer our heartfelt thanks.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank John Hamilton, our out-going Treasurer. John has held this position for at least four years (I honestly can’t remember when he started, it goes too far back for my memory). Thanks for all the effort and your commitment, John!

As we begin a new fraternal year, it seems there are many beginnings to celebrate. First and foremost is the celebration of the birth of our country on July 4th. Our founding father’s fought so that we could have freedom. As we celebrate this great event, I encourage everyone to commit even more to the ideals of freedom, especially the freedom of religion. As I write this, we are awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the HHS mandate and Hobby Lobby. By the time you are read this column that decision will be known. I pray the decision reinforces the freedom of religion, but regardless the outcome, we need to continue to fight for that freedom. If we have won this battle, rest assured there will be another assault on our beliefs; if we have lost, we must continue to stand up for what is right and not lose hope.

We also have another new beginning in our parish. Along with the rest of the parish, our council welcomes Fr. Gary Koenigsknecht to Holy Family! Fr. Gary is not only a newly ordained priest, but a Brother Knight as well. We look forward to celebrating the faith with him, in fellowship and most perfectly in the sacraments.

Finally, congratulations to our new council officers, especially those beginning new roles: Vern Miller is our new Deputy Grand Knight and Program Director; David Tovey is our new Treasurer; John Freel has moved to Warden; Dean Hayward is our new 3rd Year Trustee; and Jim Moss is our new Inside Guard and Membership Director. I also want to congratulate and thank all of our returning officers for their continued service. Without all of your work and dedication, our council would not function.

To all men of the parish, I invite you to celebrate a new beginning in your life: join the Knights. It is a new opportunity to serve the parish and community, as well as to grow in your faith and build new friendships with other Catholic men.

Ken Mraz
Grand Knight

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