Knightly Update – November 2014

With the beginning of the month of November, we look forward to many special feasts and events.  The month begins with All Saints & All Souls Days, and takes us thru the end of the current liturgical year (the Feast of Christ the King) and begins the next with the beginning of Advent.  In between we have election day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.

Giving thanks is the appropriate response for the many blessing the Lord has bestowed on us, both in Holy Mother Church and in our country.  In both cases, this thankfulness requires a response from us.  In the case of the Church, the appropriate response is to support the Church and give praise and thanks to the Lord, especially during the feasts.  In the case of our nation, that response is to get involved, to get out and vote our Catholic values and principles.

I encourage everyone of voting age to make their voices heard and to focus on our Catholic principles when doing so:  pro-life, helping the needy, religious freedom and one that many people probably aren’t familiar with:  subsidiarity.  The principle of subsidiarity states that social problems should be dealt with at the most immediate (or local) level consistent with their solution.  Spend the time to investigate the candidates and see how well their positions (and records) line up with these principles, and then get out and vote!

A giant thanks to all the knights who helped out with our busy month of tootsie rolls, pancakes, spaghetti and CRHP breakfasts, and a big thanks to everyone who joined us at these events to make them a success.

Vivat Jesus!

Ken Mraz

Grand Knight


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