Knightly Update – December 2014

To my brother knights and all of Holy Family,

I would like to extend my wishes for a blessed Advent and Christmas season!  Advent is a season of preparation and as we prepare to welcome our family and friends in various celebrations this season, let us also prepare a place in our hearts to welcome the Lord.  A good way to do this is to seek His face in those He puts into our lives:  our families, the overworked store clerk, the tired waiter or waitress, the frazzled parent with the noisy child. Remember others this season with small acts of patience and kindness.

Even more, remember those who have little or nothing and do what you can to help them.  There is no greater gift that you can receive than the joy of helping others.  In doing this, we most perfectly reflect the love of the Lord, who came in the most humble way possible to give everything to lift us up and redeem us.  Advent is a special time to receive this love from the Lord in the sacrament of reconciliation, and there extra are opportunities to do this during this season.

As knights, we have many opportunities to help others and participate in charitable works, both in and out of the parish.  Many are discussed in another entry in the bulletin.  To all men of the parish that are not knights, I invite you to join us and enjoy with us the opportunity to serve your fellow parishioners.

The council would like to thank Fr. Ken for all he has done for our parish and council.  Fr. Ken has been supportive of us during his tenure and we will miss him.  We wish him many blessings as he begins his new ministry, and will remember him in our prayers.

Finally, the council offers everyone our prayers and blessings for a glorious Christmas and new year.  May you all experience the hope, the peace, the joy and the love that is the Lord this season!

Vivat Jesus!

Ken Mraz

Grand Knight


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