Knightly Update – March 2015

As I write this, all the kids are home due to yet another “snow” day.  Of course they enjoy this very much, but for us parents all of this unscheduled downtime can seriously interrupt our routine.  This isn’t always a bad thing however.  Sometimes we need these interruptions to break us out of routines that keep us too busy to focus on relationships with our families.

In a sense, Lent is like these snow days, a break in the routine that helps us focus on relationships.  In this case, that relationship is the one we have with our Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Just like any other relationship, this one can become lost in all of the hustle and bustle of life.  Not on the part of the Lord, obviously, but on ours.  He never forsakes us, but too often we can lose focus and at those times, we benefit from conscience acts to strengthen this relationship.

In her great wisdom, Holy Mother Church sets aside this time each year for us to focus on this relationship with the Lord, to do penance and charitable acts, to spend more time in prayer.  We should enter into this time the same way that our children enter into snow days:  not with boredom, fear or dread, but with expectation and glee!

This is an opportunity to focus on our relationship with the Lord, to receive His mercy and prepare ourselves for the greatest feast in the Church year.  It is less that 40 days away!  I encourage everyone to make the most of this Lent, spend more time in prayer, and if you have children, try to pray together this year as a family.  This time will be the best “snow” day they will ever have, as it will pay returns for all eternity.

Vivat Jesus!

Ken Mraz

Grand Knight


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