Knightly Update – July 2015

As we begin a new fraternal year, there are many beginnings to celebrate as well as new challenges to face in the up coming year.  The first is the celebration of the birth of our country this weekend on July 4th. Our founding father’s fought so that we could have freedom. It is my hope that everyone has participated in the Fortnight for Freedom, which comes to a close at the time this bulletin is published.  This event has focused most specially on the freedom of religion.

This fundamental right is being attacked at an astounding rate.  Just a year ago was the Hobby Lobby case regarding the HHS mandate.  While that case was decided in favor or religious liberty, other cases such as the Little Sisters of the Poor are still being litigated. Now we have the Supreme Court’s decision regarding marriage.  As pointed out by virtually all the dissenting justices, this decision will come into inevitable conflict with our religious liberty rights.  As knights and Catholics, we have the duty to proclaim and defend the truth about marriage, and we should have the right to do so.

As the Supreme Council has stated:  “The Knights of Columbus has regularly reaffirmed its commitment to Church teaching on marriage, and we take this opportunity to do so again in union with our country’s bishops [USCCB], whose statement provides clear guidance.”

This statement from the USCCB begins: “Regardless of what a narrow majority of the Supreme Court may declare at this moment in history, the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable”.  It concludes with the bishops’ call that we “join [them] in proclaiming the goodness, truth, and beauty of marriage as rightly understood for millennia, and I ask all in positions of power and authority to respect the God-given freedom to seek, live by, and bear witness to the truth.”

(the full text can be found at

On a better note, we also have a new beginning closer to home. With the rest of the parish, our council welcomes Msgr. Jerry Vincke to Holy Family as our new pastor! We look forward to working with him in the months and years ahead.

Finally, congratulations to our new council officers, especially those beginning new roles: Earl Hagen is our new Treasurer; David Tovey is our new 3rd Year Trustee; and Bob Herman is our new Inside Guard. I also want to congratulate and thank all of our returning officers for their continued service. Without all of your work and dedication, our council would not function.

To all men of the parish, I invite you to celebrate a new beginning in your life: join the Knights. It is a new opportunity to serve the parish and community, as well as to grow in your faith and build new friendships with other Catholic men.

Ken Mraz

Grand Knight


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