There is still unspent money in the budget. If you are aware of a worthy cause let me know by May 8 for consideration at the May 9 Business Meeting.

Nominations of officers for the next fraternal year is at our business meeting on May 9. If you would like to nominate someone or yourself let me know. A Knight needs to be a third degree Knight to run for office. The election will be at June 13 Business Meeting.

May 12 is the last Sunday Breakfast until September. It is Mother’s Day and moms eat free. We can always use help between 730 and Noon. Also, bring moms and wives and family. It is a great Breakfast

May 15 is the last spaghetti dinner until September. Come eat and help 430 – 7pm.

Upcoming this fraternal year:

May 23 social meeting and Rosary
June 2 serve graduation breakfast 
June 13 Business meeting 
June 27 No Meeting. There is a Diocese Meeting 
June 30 Corporate Communion and Rosary 10AM Mass

Questions call me.


Rick Perry
Grand Knight

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